
As the new Head of Partnerships at Bede’s, I am eager to build upon the strong relationships already formed within our local community and nearby schools and the mutual benefit that it will provide for all.

Research has proven time and time again, how important it is for children and young adults to share altruistic values to help and support the community that they live in. We feel that by providing pupils with a wide range of opportunities by which they can help others, they can develop a strong moral compass and a solid framework from which to help and consider the needs of others throughout their school careers and well beyond.

I am hugely excited about growing both our partnership and outreach programme over the coming years. If you would like to be involved in one of our many projects or would like more information then please email me at or visit the Schools Together website. The Schools Together Group is a nationwide group of those in state and independent schools with an interest in inter-school partnerships: “Harnessing the power of partnerships for the benefit of children”.

Mary Leggett
Head of Partnerships and Social Responsibility

Partnering with local schools

Social Responsibility