
Nurseries in Eastbourne

Looking for Nurseries in Eastbourne?

Welcome to Bede's Nursery! We are located by the sea in Eastbourne and offer care from the age of just three months. At Bede's Nursery, we believe that every child has their own set of abilities, needs and characteristics that make them special. Our team nurture children in a genuinely holistic way. We are motivated to support every child to be curious, confident and inspired. 

We are open 51 weeks of the year and offer extended day care for busy families. We are a home away from home for the children here, preparing everything on site, from our home cooked, locally grown, nutritious meals to our fantastic range of activities and learning resources.

We offer EYEE funding for children up to 5 years. The youngest babies (3 months to 2 and a half years) are cared for in our bespoke Baby and Toddler unit. From 3 months to 18 months, children are cared for in the Starfish Room which has a dedicated sleep and soft play area. There is also a communal play area and on the other side of that is the Jellyfish room (for children aged 18 months to 2 and a half years).

Outside, the children benefit from a good sized play area and easy access to the seafront promenade for the beach activities and buggy walks during fine weather.

From there children move on to our Holywell Nursery, joining the Rainbow Fish room for approximately one year before moving up to our Pre-School area where they will again spend a year before moving to Reception class. The Jellyfish room leads out onto a dedicated outside play area with the Pre-School children using the main Pre-Prep adventure garden and playground.

Our children enjoy a lot of outdoor activities including beach school and forest school, and they also have weekly swimming and dance lessons when they are of Rainbow Fish and Pre-School age. 

Specialist ballet and tennis lessons are available once children become Pre-School age. These extra-curricular activities incur an additional charge and are charged on a termly basis.  

We would love to show you around! Book a personal visit by emailing or calling 01323 356987.
