Transition to Reception

We ensure that our Nursery children are fully prepared for their transition to Reception Class and are given regular opportunities to visit their new class.

During the Summer Term, Nursery children will attend some of the Reception class assemblies and children new to the school will be invited to visit their new class and teachers in the coming weeks. Our Reception teachers also visit the Nursery children at play and story times.

We pride ourselves on establishing strong links with our parents and believe that maintaining these links are vital to your child’s development.

Initially, parents are invited to attend a meeting with their Reception teacher in September to find out more about routines and the term’s creative curriculum topics.

Each child receives a school home book at the start of the term, which provides a number of opportunities for families to share pictures of home life and favourite activities out of school. We also encourage that you use the school home book to let us know of any activities you would like us to factor into daily life in Reception.

Over the year, parents will receive three written reports that communicate their child’s progress towards the early learning goals. These reports reflect adult-led learning and observations of independent daily activities.

Visit Bede's Prep

Hanna Kerrigan at Bede's Nursery