Academic Enrichment Programme

pupils at MUN

The Academic Enrichment Programme (AEP) is an exciting opportunity for pupils from Year 7 and 8 in the Prep School, to be further stretched and challenged. This innovative programme is aimed at our most academically able pupils and those with higher learning potential, to discover and liberate the very best of themselves by extending their potential in an intellectually rigorous and challenging academic environment.

Pupils participating in the AEP will be taught as a discrete group within the Discover Programme carousel of activities. Working from similar learning objectives, the programme dovetails seamlessly with the Prep School’s broad and balanced curriculum, which is already based soundly on stretch, challenge and differentiation for all abilities. However, the teaching will offer opportunities to explore ideas at a deeper level, with a view to achieving academically ambitious outcomes.


pupil at MUN

During the two years, pupils will receive specialist teaching across all academic subjects designed around 21st Century skills: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating and collaborating (the 4 C’s). 

During the Autumn term, Year 7 pupils will have the opportunity to learn Latin through the expertise of a subject specialist teacher from the Senior School. Latin provides the basis to empower pupils when studying languages; it is the language of law, government, logic and theology and it requires a discipline and order which appeals to those pupils who have a true thirst for knowledge. This is why we consider it a key component of the AEP and an excellent way to start the programme.


Meanwhile, Year 8 pupils will learn about the Model United Nations, participating in an inter-school delegation hosted by the Senior School. This aims to inspire communication, critical thinking and deepen knowledge. They will use this experience, and their newly acquired knowledge to host a Model United Nations debate within the classroom. 

Indeed, the importance of oracy in developing higher order thinking skills and promoting a range of skills from organisation and planning to confidence and delivery, will play a key role in unlocking the academic potential of the pupils within our school. Furthermore, its impact should benefit pupils across the ability and age range. 

We will continue to promote the importance of STEM within the curriculum, looking to offer opportunities for pupils with academic potential both within the AEP group and those outside the group who thrive in particular areas of the curriculum. In particular, pupils will enhance their skills in the use of new technologies and their understanding of the capability of artificial intelligence to enhance our lives.

In collaboration with the Senior School, the AEP pupils will contribute to the ‘Bede’s SHAPE Magazine’ a journal filled with diverse articles and philosophical queries that they have developed within their AEP lessons through the discursive, sophisticated level of challenge offered by the carefully curated lessons within the programme.

As part of the AEP, pupils are involved in various specialist visits and events, some of which are based at the Senior School, such as participation in events during Languages Week.