Core Subjects
Core Subjects
At Bede's Prep, our aim is to develop a lifelong love and enthusiasm for language and literature in all forms, and to enable our pupils to become confident and creative communicators. This philosophy is embedded as soon as children join our Bede's community.
At these early and rapid stages of development, we develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. All children follow a staged reading scheme, read with their teacher daily and use the well-stocked Holywell Library.
Year 1
Year 1 marks the first year of the National Curriculum and, as you might expect, the teaching of phonics plays a big part. Using a multisensory and engaging approach, children will learn how to apply their phonic knowledge and skills in order to decode words, learning how to blend the different sounds in unfamiliar words.
We aim to inspire creativity and a love of reading at an early age. The Autumn Term also brings Book Week – a festival of fun, packed with visiting authors, competitions and costumes – which rejoices in reading for pleasure. Furthermore, children from an early age are encouraged to take part in national writing competitions. Seeing their work in published form is an empowering moment and at Bede’s, we take every opportunity to enjoy sharing and celebrating our work in a supportive and stimulating classroom environment.
In each term, creative writing is inspired by key stories such as traditional tales, fairy stories and classic fiction. These skills are developed into forming short narratives and retelling of events. Further opportunities for non-fiction writing flourish such as diary writing a set of instructions, compiling a class reference book on a chosen animal and writing a series of sentences to explain a simple process. Likewise, poetry is celebrated throughout the year through reading and performance and children collaborate on a shared poem as well as writing poetry using pattern and rhyme.
Year 2
During the year, children in Year 2 explore an array of books which demonstrate a range of genres and writing styles; for example, in the Autumn term, children explore and use drama to role play characters in traditional tales and fables, such as Red Riding Hood, and write a narrative from a character’s viewpoint. Later in the term, they are transformed into reporters, writing news reports on the Great Fire of London. Contemporary and classic poetry is also a highlight, share and performed as a class.
As children move through to the Spring and Summer Terms, they will continue to put their learning into practice, encapsulating ideas, playing with, developing and using new vocabulary. They use multi-sensory learning and interactive teaching to write their own narratives based on exciting literature chosen carefully to suit the class. During the year, children will also learn about other types of writing including contemporary poetry that celebrates belonging, instructional, travel writing and news reporting tying in with topics studied throughout the year. There is also a strong focus on developing pupils’ grammatical and technical skills in English, learning how words work and how to form clear sentences and use punctuation effectively.
English at Bede’s is all about developing independence and confidence, through clear speaking, careful listening, and effective reading and writing. The opportunities for rich reading and creative expression abound. Above all, children are given lots of opportunities to have fun with words, to experiment with structure and language, to create imaginative descriptions of characters and setting, and to enjoy reading, exploring and crafting poems.
At Bede’s Prep, we are committed to fostering a deep understanding of mathematics in our young learners by making it a tangible and exciting part of their everyday lives.
We believe that by actively engaging in their learning, pupils can develop essential problem-solving and reasoning skills, which are vital for understanding the world around them. Our teaching approach is rooted in the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the National Curriculum, ensuring that our pupils build a strong foundation in mathematics through practical, hands-on experiences. We encourage our pupils to explore mathematical concepts through a range of sensory activities that allow them to experiment, investigate, and ultimately, gain confidence in their mathematical abilities
Year 1
In Year 1, the primary aim is to establish a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles. Pupils start by developing fluency in number recognition and place value, learning to count forwards and backwards up to 100. They are introduced to simple addition and subtraction, using objects and mental strategies to solve problems. A key focus is on understanding the place value of digits in two-digit numbers, which helps build a foundation for more complex arithmetic.
Pupils also begin to explore the concepts of multiplication and division, understanding these as repeated addition and sharing, respectively. They start to work with fractions, recognising and finding halves and quarters of objects and quantities.
Measurement is another significant area in Year 1, where pupils learn to compare lengths, heights, weights, and volumes using appropriate vocabulary. They also start to tell the time to the hour and halfhour and begin to understand the days of the week, months, and seasons.
Geometry in Year 1 involves identifying and naming common 2D shapes (such as squares and circles) and 3D shapes (such as cubes and spheres). Pupils also start to describe positions, directions, and movements, including whole and half-turns
Year 2
In Year 2, pupils build on the foundations laid in Year 1, deepening their understanding and beginning to apply their skills more independently.
The focus continues on number and place value, with pupils learning to count in steps of 2, 3, 5, and 10 from any number. They also develop their ability to compare and order numbers up to 100, using symbols like >, <, and =.
Addition and subtraction become more complex, with pupils learning to add and subtract two-digit numbers using various strategies, including number bonds and place value. They also start solving word problems that involve these operations.
Multiplication and division are emphasised more in Year 2, with pupils recalling and using facts from the 2, 5, and 10 times tables. They learn to solve multiplication and division problems using arrays, repeated addition, and mental methods.
In fractions, Year 2 pupils work on recognising and writing simple fractions, such as 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4, and understanding the equivalence between some fractions, like 2/4 and 1/2.
Measurement in Year 2 covers using standard units to measure length, height, weight, temperature, and capacity. Pupils also learn to use money and tell the time to the nearest five minutes.
Geometry lessons continue with identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes and describing their positions and movements. Pupils also start working with simple statistics, such as interpreting pictograms, tally charts, and block diagrams.
At Bede’s Pre-Prep, we are committed to providing a rich and engaging educational experience for your child.
As part of our enquiry-based curriculum, we have integrated the Switched on Science scheme by Rising Stars, which beautifully complements our approach to learning in the foundation subjects. The scheme aligns perfectly with our enquiry-based curriculum, encouraging students to ask questions, explore ideas, and discover the wonders of the natural world
The Switched on Science scheme for Year 1 and 2 is filled with exciting topics that captivate young minds and lay the foundation for a lifelong interest in science. Below are some of the key themes your child will explore:
Year 1:
• Everyday Materials: Discovering different materials and their properties, understanding why certain materials are used for specific purposes.
• Seasonal Changes: Observing the changes across the four seasons, including weather patterns and how they affect the environment.
• Plants and Animals: Learning about different types of plants and animals, their habitats, and how they grow and change.
Year 2:
• Uses of Everyday Materials: Expanding on the knowledge from Year 1, investigating how materials can be changed and used in various ways.
• Living Things and Their Habitats: Exploring how animals and plants are suited to their habitats and the importance of caring for the environment.
• Forces and Movement: Understanding how forces like push and pull affect the movement of objects, through fun and interactive activities.
Our curriculum at Bede’s Pre-Prep ensures that learning is a journey of exploration and discovery. The Switched on Science scheme supports this by providing a structured yet flexible framework, allowing children to engage with science in a meaningful and enjoyable way.