Discover Programme

The Discover Programme is an innovative cross-curricular series of lessons that provides challenging learning opportunities for all pupils in Years 7 and 8. 

The programme aims to take pupils on a journey of discovery, both of themselves as learners and of the world around them. The breadth of study ranges from developing an understanding of classical civilisations and their legacy for today’s society to experimenting with new technologies and working collaboratively to develop advertising campaigns.

The programme aims to challenge pupils' thinking, encouraging independence and problem-solving. The ‘4 C’s’ of critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration and communication lie at the heart of each lesson. Pupils are encouraged to see beyond the imagined parameters of individual subject areas and to apply practical skills to a broad range of challenges and topics, building confidence by nurturing creativity and sparking new ways of thinking. 

Taught in a carousel of four blocks of learning, pupils will experience a new teaching style and fresh approach each term. The lessons are carefully curated to build skills in Year 7 that are deepened and extended in Year 8. 

Whilst all pupils will work towards similar outcomes, there will be additional academic challenge opportunities (AEP) for those pupils identified as demonstrating higher learning potential. However, we look to nurture and celebrate the skills of pupils who excel in particular academic areas or skills throughout the year as well as providing enrichment events that will be inclusive to all pupils.

Year 7 Lessons

Year 8 Lessons

hand in the air