
Food and Catering

At Bede's, we have an excellent reputation for providing an extremely high standard of dining for our pupils, prepared by our catering company Holroyd Howe, who have won multiple awards over recent years for their school catering services.

Our chefs source and use the best seasonal, local produce available to create exciting menus which include traditional favourites, the best of international cuisine and other contemporary, modern dishes.

pupils dining

For our boarders, who are away from their families for significant periods of the year, the importance of excellent food cannot be overstated

As a result, our catering team works closely with Housemasters and Housemistresses to ensure that the nutritional needs, preferences and desires of boarder are consistently and thoughtfully met.

For lunch pupils can choose from a selection of main dishes, a salad bar, pasta bar, soup, fruit and desserts. A range of cooked and continental options are available for breakfast and a diverse variety of dishes for those having supper. 

We can accommodate all dietary requirements and catering staff work closely with the medical team and house staff with regard to pupils who have allergies. 

Any parents who have particular concerns can talk with the Catering Manager during their visit to the School or at one of the Welcome Events held before their child starts at Bede’s.