Sport and Physical Education
By studying Physical Education and Sport, pupils gain in-depth knowledge on anatomy and physiology, fitness and training and sports nutrition.
Pupils learn key skills such as how to lead, challenge themselves, collaborate with others and manage themselves and their health and fitness needs. Pupils learn to be independent and inquisitive thinkers who can time manage and work to their best.
We have a wide range of courses available, including iGCSE Physical Education, Cambridge Nationals Level 2 Sports Science (equivalent to GCSE) and Level 3 (equivalent to A level) BTEC qualifications in Sport. This is in addition to our Sixth Form programme which also includes the option of completing a Sports Leaders Level 2 qualification within the Bede’s Diploma.
The Level 3 BTEC option brings huge benefits to the pupil in terms of transferable skills which can prepare them for entering the world of work – whether that is in sport or otherwise. Indeed, our pupils go on to study a wide variety of courses at university, including Sport and Exercise Science, Sport and Business Management, Sports Coaching, Physical Education and teaching degrees.
Through taking Sport as an academic subject, pupils will develop physical skills which will help improve their performance, investigate how the body works physically and psychologically, and learn what can affect the choices we make regarding the sport and exercise we do.
Above all, we aim to educate the pupil in the overarching importance of physical education and develop a life-long love of sport, exercise and participation.