Bede’s Personal Tutors are the cornerstone of our highly regarded pastoral system and reflects our firmly held belief that every pupil should be treated as an individual with a unique set of personal needs and ambitions.
A Tutor at Bede's will usually support between six and ten pupils, and their role is to ensure that all aspects of their life at school are working in harmony. A pupil's tutor will support and guide them, if necessary, they may push them to broaden their horizons and reach their potential.
Tutors are attached to either a boarding or day house and pupils will see their Tutor on a daily basis at registration as well as for one to one and small group tutor sessions. All tutors, like subject teachers, are available by email.
The focus of our tutoring often evolves as pupils move through the School; in the First Year our tutors focus on ensuring that pupils have settled in the School, developed strong friendships and are building good academic foundations.
During the Fifth Forms, tutors will be seeking to ensure that pupils are secure in their GCSE programme and are making the most of the myriad opportunities available outside the classroom. As pupils approach the end of this period, they will of course experience their first public examinations, and this can be a daunting experience for some; our tutors are experienced in supporting pupils through these challenges and are on hand with a listening ear and some sage advice when needed.
During the Sixth Form years, our tutors recognise students as young adults who are beginning to look beyond life at Bede’s. In many cases, our Sixth Form tutors have been selected due to the experience they have developed in helping pupils write their personal statements and prepare for university interviews and of course supporting them through demanding academic programmes.
Importantly, tutors also act as a “one stop shop” for parents as well. This can be particularly valuable during a family’s first year at Bede’s and before they have developed knowledge of the School and relationships with individual teachers. A strong tripartite relationship between a tutor, parent and pupil underpins much of the School’s success in recent years and it is a system to which all our staff are highly committed.
Many schools offer such a service but at Bede’s we really deliver.