Strength and Conditioning
Bede’s Sports Programme is underpinned by a ground-breaking Strength and Conditioning Programme led by our full-time Level 3 High Performance Coach, Tony Morriss.
All pupils have the opportunity to take advantage of Mr Morriss’ expertise with pupils introduced to both generic and bespoke programmes depending on their needs. Mr Morriss is also highly experienced offering re-hab programmes for those students who have suffered injuries and he has gained particular experience in supporting pupils through growth related injuries including Severs Disease and Osgood Schlatter’s Disease.
Pupils in Academy and Club teams are provided with Team Training Programmes, with specially allocated gym times for elite squads. Sessions led by Mr Morriss will be tailored to each sport and Mr Morriss will also participate in training sessions outside the gym, working with team coaches in order to understand the strength and conditioning needs of individual players and teams and tailor programmes accordingly.
Beyond our elite fitness programmes, all our pupils can take advantage of our exceptionally well-equipped Fitness Suite throughout the day, during Activities sessions and in evenings and weekends.
We offer yoga sessions with a fully-trained Yoga instructor during Activity sessions which cover beginners and intermediate Hatha Yoga which focus on the classical postures, alignment and breath.