The Team Bede’s hashtag was launched by the Sports department during Summer 2017.
We are fortunate to have so many talented coaches and Heads and Directors of Sport at Bede’s, and the Sports department became conscious they held common values and ideas that were perhaps going unspoken. Bede’s offers over 20 different sporting activities across the academic year, all supported by peerless Strength and Conditioning provision.
Concerned that elements of our provision might become disparate, we sought a means of sharing best practice in relation to sporting philosophy, coaching methodology and expertise, culminating in the launch of Team Bede’s.
We determined that the six key ideals of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Humility, Discipline and Leadership should underpin all of our sports provision, and have plans in place to explicitly develop these qualities in every Bedian.
Although this is not a major sea change, you may notice various new displays, kit elements and equipment items sporting our Team Bede’s logo, and note we are using the hashtag #teambedes on social media.