Bede's Zoo
Having a zoo at Bede’s, we believe, is the apotheosis of what this school is all about. Bede’s is a school which thrives on doing things differently, by focusing on the things that might not be obvious and allowing them to flourish.
Located at Bede's Senior School in Upper Dicker, the Bede’s Zoo - in which a small but significant number of pupils study and a greater number come in to benefit from being able to spend time with animals - is the embodiment of our belief that all pupils should be given the opportunity to find their niche, to find the areas in which they can excel and feel at home.
The collection we hold in the zoo forms the cornerstone on which is built the Sixth Form BTEC Animal Management course, as well as the location for one of the school’s most popular activities: the Zoological Society. This truly unique facility provides an invaluable teaching resource, which enables pupils to learn and to pursue their interests, and which allows them to participate in national and international programmes for the benefit of wildlife.
We were delighted to become an Educational Associate with the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) in the summer of 2020.
We care for 70 different species so catering for their individual enrichment needs can be quite a challenge.
Each animal has different requirements as a snake isn’t going to need the same enrichment as a Squirrel Monkey. However, this mammoth task is undertaken by Ms Spurgeon, our dedicated Zoo Manager, and a small army of enthusiastic students – this ensures every individual animal receives stimulation and interest, every single day. As a school, we are enormously lucky to have such a facility in our midst.
"In animal management, pupils look after a range of zoo animals, and help with the dormouse breeding programme to increase numbers in the wild."
- The Good Schools Guide
Watch our Bede's Zoo video below: