History is obviously about the past, but it is also an investment in the future; the future of those who study the subject, who will be equipped with the skills and attributes required to thrive in the modern world.
We have a responsibility to ensure that the past is not forgotten, that pupils see how our knowledge of the past can so clearly inform our understanding of the present.
The topics addressed in A Level History are diverse and separated by two centuries. What connects it all together is the human experience and, as pupils on the course discover, there are some startling similarities and common themes connecting everything from 18th Century America to mid and late 20th Century Britain.
Modules include Britain 1930-1997 (with a focus on Churchill, 1930-1951), the American Revolution, a thematic study of Civil Rights in the USA, 1865-1992, and a coursework task which focuses on a specific aspect of any of the above topics.
Throughout the Sixth Form History programme pupils will have the opportunity to embed their learning through external visits to museums and places of historical relevance. In recent years History students have visited the Holocaust Memorial Day event at the University of Sussex, the Charleston Festival and the Cabinet War Rooms in Whitehall. All A Level History pupils also have the opportunity to participate in our residential trip to Washington DC (see above image).
The power of Geography as a subject is that pupils learn a range of skills whilst engaging with fascinating, real-world learning.
Geography is a “must have” subject for pupils wanting to make sense of and act on their complex world. At Bede’s, carefully chosen, relevant geography courses are taught by well qualified and passionate subject specialists
A Level Geography at Bede’s is a stimulating and challenging course. This AQA syllabus gives true insights into our contemporary urban environments, gives us new ways to think about the places we inhabit and teaches us ways of analyzing our globalizing world. It looks afresh at the challenges of global hazards, our coastlines and the crucial carbon and water cycles essential to life on earth.
Geography brings the real-world into the classroom but often takes the classroom into the real world. We make full use of our local East Sussex environments but also travel further afield to London and Devon. Pupils will have the option to sign up for trips to explore the geography of Iceland or the Azores.The course also includes a give day residential trip to Slapton Ley in Devon and a day visit to London (pictured above).
A level Geography is a strongly academic subject which thoroughly prepared you for, and opens doors to, study at university level.
It teaches you a range of transferable skills. A Level Geographers go on to further study in the area of science (particularly the earth and environmental sciences), engineering, the social sciences, humanities, business and economics, architecture and development studies to name but a few.
Government & Politics
Politics is not a subject that is neatly contained within the pages of a textbook.
Bede’s pupils thrive because they are challenged to immerse themselves fully in the ever-changing narrative of the day. Pupils of politics are committed to exploring current events, ideas and debate through routine engagement with quality media, both print and digital.
At the heart of our teaching is the desire to help students of politics to realise their potential – not only in exam scores – but also to become more politically aware and engaged with the world around them.
This is why there is a constant emphasis in our teaching in encouraging the students to engage with current affairs. The Year 12 syllabus focuses on the study of politics in the UK in order to provide students with a solid grounding in the UK system. The Year 13 syllabus examines US politics and requires students to think beyond the UK political system while also making comparisons with the system they studied at Year 12.
We also offer a wide extension programme: whether it be joining the PPE Society or Question Time activity – we regularly hold UK / US elections, and visit the Houses of Parliament and Washington DC.
Business & Economics
Do you fancy yourself as the CEO of a multi-national? Or the creative mind behind the next “big thing” to hit the shelves?
Perhaps you see yourself as the future Chancellor or the promotional guru responsible for successfully bringing products to market. Maybe you are unsure of what you would like to do for your career and would like to give yourself a grounding in personal finance so that you become a more “savvy” consumer or a more effective employee one day? Whatever your level of interest, within the Business Department there will be a course for you.
At Sixth Form, the subjects offered by the Business Studies Department are some of the most popular options, with pupils choosing from A level Business Studies, A level Economics as well as BTEC qualifications in Business – both at Sub Diploma level (which is equivalent to one A Level) and Diploma level (which is the equivalent to two A Levels).
The courses offered complement most academic programmes but typically students interested in pursuing a career in marketing or advertising might combine one of these courses with Art, Photography or Media. Those students who are considering studying Economics or Management at university might consider combining one of these courses with Mathematics, History, Politics or Philosophy and Religion.
Each course is designed to enable you to apply theory learnt in the classroom to “real world” settings and you do not need to have studied any of the subjects before selecting one of the courses as an option. Each course will challenge you to think creatively as well as apply reason, assessing both qualitative and quantitative data to draw conclusions.
You will have to learn to balance numbers with human values; understand big and small organisations as well as to think responsibly in order to make sure that business activities remain sustainable for the future.
Enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom and curriculum include trips, guest speakers, the opportunity to join a society as well as a business which can be utilised to hone your entrepreneurial skills. You will learn leadership skills as well as getting the chance to work in teams to broaden your experiences and develop your confidence.
Religion & Philosophy
Theology, Philosophy and Ethics are subjects which encourage curiosity about our world and our place within it.
Our Sixth Form course is academically rigorous, encouraging wider reading and independent learning coupled with support from staff to meet and guide students in their exploration of fundamental ideas which shape our culture. The Department takes a non-confessional approach, encouraging reasoned debate and critical reflection, in the spirit of humility and tolerance.
At Sixth Form, we follow the OCR specification which is split into three parts; Philosophy and Religion, Religion and Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought. We explore many of the big questions which have been around as long as human civilisation such whether God exists and how he can exist in a world filled with such suffering. We examine the difference between right and wrong and whether there is life after death?
The Department also offers a range of enrichment opportunities beyond the curriculum, including our annual Ideas Forum event which draws in outside speakers to stimulate thinking and generate a debate on a topical issue. Pictured is 2019's Ideas Forum event, with Professor Stephen Law and Dr Krish Kandiah.
Students are also given the opportunity to attend a conference in London to hear enriching talks from renowned university professors and lecturers.
This course is well suited to those with an enquiring and curious mind, inspires students to think deeply about profound questions and will be great preparation for life at university.